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  • Writer's pictureKristina Yarmolich

Independent Review by Johns Hopkins University

In April 2024 HNP has been evaluated by Johns Hopkins University for impact, community involvement and expansion. A year-long research produced a policy brief, highlighting our strengths and creating recommendations for improvement to set us up for expansion.

Why is it important?

Johns Hopkins University is known for its rigorous academic standards and research capabilities. This evaluation implies a thorough, evidence-based, and methodologically sound assessment, meaning HNP's activities and impact have been carefully reviewed by experts, increasing the organization's credibility. Such evaluation is valuable for both internal development and external stakeholders, and it demonstrates HNP's transparency and accountability.

HNP’s Strengths

The Johns Hopkins University team conducted 5 focus group discussions and 50 key informant interviews. They also conducted a document review, using documents shared by the HNP team, which included grant applications, white papers, point of service utilization data from 2015 to 2023, and impact decks. As a result of the analysis, the strengths of the project were identified, such as: comprehensive approach to water and sanitation, cafeteria services and the meeting halls, laundry services, SACCO, courses and capacity development, urban farming/hydroponics, security, including the wide provision of street lights.

Focus group participant, a local woman from Kibera, says about the SACCO program, "Here you are able to save as low as 50 ksh per week and with that low amount one is able to access a loan to invest in business or clear immediate needs. SACCO has helped women in many ways.”

Community member, Kibera local, says about urban farming program, "It has helped the community members. Whenever they harvest vegetables it’s like they provide them to us for free. They are very cheap. And they don’t give them to individuals to entire ghetto. Each time they provide them to this area on a specific day, they’ll provide equivalent to other areas. It goes around Kibera.”
Focus group participant, a local man from Kibera, says about the capacity development, "I can say it is the home of opportunities. I have been here trying to sing but I used to have stage fright, however I have seen many people come here and have been successful. They don’t just teach you how to do music, but we are also taught some financial management skills so that you don’t go back where you came from when an opportunity arises. It has had a very positive impact. They don’t look at where you come from provided you show your interest.”

HNP’s Areas of Growth

We’ve also got some JHU's recommendations to consolidate and build on the strong foundation that currently exists. We are already actively incorporating some of them like setting up an Advisory Community Board, creating a robust outreach campaign inside the community and more. This milestone is not just an achievement for us but also a reflection of your unwavering support. Your donations have enabled us to implement and sustain impactful projects that can withstand the scrutiny of top-tier institutions.

Thank you for being an integral part of our journey!


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